Monday, April 02, 2007

Why I am an asshole: part the second in a neverending series

I totally stood up a playdate yesterday. There is a special place in hell for people who make other moms with little babies sit in cafes by themselves waiting for you to show up, and let me tell you: I am totally headed there.
I have a friend whom I completely adore. She's funny and gorgeous and has way better fashion sense than me and is funny. Also gorgeous. We have a good time when we get together and we eat lots of food usually and drink lots of drinks and we talk about how much we hate our husbands/boyfriends. But the best part? She doesn't have any kids so scheduling things with her is easy! It's great! I mean, as a young, funny, gorgeous single person she's very busy but her schedule is fairly flexible. I can call her and ask her what she's doing next week at ten or this weekend on Saturday night and unless she has lots of sex planned she's usually free. And yay! We set up a date.
I have known this person for roughly three years now. The number of times we have successfully set up a time and a place and then actually achieved the victory of meeting up? Roughly 6 times. That's, like, if my math is serving me, an average of twice a year. The reason for this? We suck. Either I have a child-related cancellation or she neglects to call me when she said she was going to call or I have a child-related cancellation. But! She's worth it, and also it's usually my fault. When we do manage to get together we have a good time. And she has never (NEVER) left me sitting somewhere waiting for her. NEVER. This makes her a good friend.
Yesterday, I was not that friend. I did not skip Go and collect 200 dollars. I stood up a really nice mom that I'd like to be friends with and collected all kinds of negative karma points. Way more than 200.
This is why I am an asshole. The end.


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