Thursday, September 14, 2006


So the Bean has started preschool again, and he is very happy. Me, I am a big wuss, and therefore also very happy. See, I had decided that it was time for a new preschool for Bean--he had started at his sister's preschool and while it was pretty much perfect for her, it is less perfect for her brother. Also, it is not physically convenient for him to go there. So yes, it was not just that perhaps it was not the perfect school for him, I am also a very lazy, needy woman who does not want to drive all over hill and fucking dale just to pick people up from preschool. We already do that for kindergarten. Perhaps this means that we are only willing to be put out by the needs of the Peanut, and this would be a reasonable assumption seeing as how, you know, firstborn, blinded by psychotic love, blah blah blah. But no. We drew the line for her at preschool as well. The Number One Most Perfect Preschool for the Peanut was a 40 minute drive. One way. Umm...there is not enough love in my heart. 20 minutes tests the boundaries. And this we do for kindergarten, which I view as somewhat more important than preschool, because with any luck, this will be where she goes to school for the next 9 years. So will the Bean, and so will the Sprout. We assume.
So yes. Preschool. All convenient preschools (see: achingly close to Peanut's kindergarten--or at least in the same fucking town) were fully stocked with snotty preschoolers. And while I entertained the idea of perhaps keeping him home and close to me and my ever-expanding busom, I decided that perhaps getting the hell away from me (and said busom) was probably a good thing for the Bean's little psyche. Give him back his own place where he can have his own friends and his own activities and whatnot instead of making him keep me company while Peanut's at school. And by keeping me company, I mean allowing me to ignore him while I do more important things like clean my bathroom or read the newspaper. So everyone wins. Except...right. The whole perfect-place thing. It's not a bad preschool. It's a really great preschool, it's just that the boy is really different than the girl and so I think we could probably find a better match for him, preschool wise. But on the other hand, he is comfortable there, he knows the teacher and most of the children (some are new, some have left for kindergarten their own selves), and he really enjoys it. Really a lot. He was thrilled to be going back, and that makes me think that maybe that's enough. For now.


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